3 entries found for "June, 2018"

  Dynamic Risk - Mechanical Integrity

by Paul Raithby, 6/26/2018

Tags: Mechanical Integrity Risk Based Inspection

Things are always changing. Including your risk profile. AOC helps companies manage their dynamic Mechanical Integrity (MI) risk. AOC can help you implement and sustain an effective Risk Based Inspection (RBI) program.


  The Difference Between Safe Operating Limits (SOL) and Integrity Operating Windows (IOW)

by Lenin Elorza, 6/18/2018

Tags: Integrity Operating Windows Mechanical Integrity Safe Operating Limits

An AOC consultant, a process engineer, and a reliability engineer discuss the differences between Safe Operating Limits, Standard Limits, and Integrity Operating Windows.


  Risk Management for Kids

by Leon Johnson, 6/12/2018

Tags: Community Outreach Consequence Probability Risk Based Inspection Risk Management

One of our consultants brings Risk Based Inspection into the grade school classroom for Career Day.